Transform Your Mindset and Beat Stress: 4 Objectivity-Based Strategies

Objectivity is a powerful tool in managing stress. It can help us to stay grounded, think clearly and make better decisions for ourselves. In a world where it seems like stress is constantly looming over us, it’s important that we take the time to learn how to remain objective and use that as a tool in our lives.

When we are stressed, it’s easy to get consumed by our emotions and adopt an “all or nothing” attitude towards life’s challenges. This can lead to unhelpful thinking patterns such as catastrophizing, perfectionism, minimizing or ignoring problems and rumination. Objectivity allows us to step back from these mental traps and see the situation more clearly without giving into negative thoughts or being too overwhelmed by our emotions.

Objectivity helps us look at our situations from different angles so that we can identify possible solutions instead of getting stuck in a loop of stress-induced problem-solving paralysis. When we’re able to take a step back from the situation and analyze it objectively, we give ourselves the opportunity to gain perspective and find creative solutions that could have otherwise been overlooked due to the intensity of our emotions.

The great thing about objectivity is you can do it on the fly.

1. Use Distancing: –Distancing is away of gaining space from a situation by reframing thought with questions. Ask yourself "Will this matter in 5 years?" Doing that will give you some space to think through your problem on a logical level instead of an emotion alone.

2. Write it down: The act of writing things down will slow your thoughts. We can think faster than we write, a lot of times when you write it out, you will notice that.

3. Talk it out: Tell someone the issue you are struggling with. Just by saying something out loud, you might realize you are overreacting or that your brain is catastrophizing a satiation. Also, when you share a problem with someone, they will have distance form the situation and can give you a neutral perspective.

4. Story or Fact: If there’s a thought pattern that’s been bothering you, ask yourself if it’s a fact or a story? When it’s a story, your brain can usually run though endless scenarios. The simple fact of reminding yourself it’s a story will give you space that maybe it isn’t true.  

Overall, when used correctly objectivity can be extremely beneficial in managing everyday stress levels by allowing us take step back from our intense emotions so that we can find more creative solutions as well as staying mindful of our current circumstance without getting lost in it completely. Using data like this is an effective way to help reduce your stress and help you avoid negative thought patterns.

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